Create your own repository on Github

Create new private repository on Github.

Create new Github repository

Create the Obsidian vault

Create you new vault in Obsidian.

Create new vault in Obsidian

Initialize git

Locate at Obsidian vault, Initialize git in local folder

git init

Add .gitignore in the vault

First commit

Add all files to the track of git

git add . 

Write the commit

git commit -m "<init><notes>"

Push the commit to the remote branch

git push

sync shell

In the write up your sync shell.

# Generate commit message automatically
gstatus=`git status --porcelain`

if [ ${#gstatus} -ne 0 ]

 git add --all
 # sleep 10 seconds
 sleep 10
 git commit -m "$gstatus"
 sleep 10
 git pull --rebase
 sleep 10
 git push

I use the shell from here.
You have to give execute permission to to avoid permission denied.

chmod u+x


Set up

Set up crontab:

crontab -e

And use the follow script to run the script every 5 minutes.
Check crontab guru to know crontab expression.

# Sync Obsidian vault

*/5 * * * * cd /Users/minhanhuang/Documents/vaults/ && sh /Users/minhanhuang/Documents/vaults/

Full Disk access for cron

Add cron to full disk access to avoid permission denied when running shell.
Full Disk Access

Command + shift + G and go to /usr/sbin
Go to folder

Drag cron into Full Disk access.
Drag cron to Full Disk access


To check your sync shell is working properly, cat mail log at:

cat /var/mail/${username}

After finished sync setup, you are able to sync Obsidian notes automatically with Crontab and Github.